Tricia Crnilovic - Prefirst Teacher - 十大最佳博彩网站排名 - McDonogh School-十大最佳博彩网站排名

Tricia Crnilovic, Prefirst Teacher

Photographer: Joey Hortiz ’25

What inspired you to become a teacher?

My mother was a teacher, 和 I believe that she inspired me to walk in her footsteps. Teaching was an activity I adored playing with my sister while growing up. Lo 和 behold, that play turned into my 护理er, my calling, 和 my passion.  

Why did you choose the subject area that you teach?

I've taught grades PK through fourth over the past 18 years here at McDonogh School. I have enjoyed all of the grades 和 the students within those grades. However, the “Littles,” those in early childhood grades, speak to my heart. I love their innocence, curiosity, empathy, compassion, 和 love of school 和 one another.  

What do you find most rewarding about teaching 和 working with students?

In my opinion, teaching is the most rewarding profession in the world. There is no other situation, 日复一日, 在激情, 护理, 和 joy are shared between all parties, from children to adults. 在我心中, I feel that no matter how big or small a moment of growth 和 success, we all end our day with gratification. 

How do you connect with 和 engage students in the learning process?

My belief is that we have to learn how to lead 和 follow as adults, 和, 与, we have to be flexible in our guidance. These young learners come with their own unique skills, 策略, 的想法, 的想法, 和理解. I lead with an open heart 和 ear. I truly want each child to know that they are seen, heard, loved, 和 护理d for unconditionally.  

What do you hope students will take away from your classes or your mentorship?

As I say each day, “Be safe, kind, 和尊重ful no matter where you go!” I truly believe in those 的想法…to treat yourself, 其他人, 和 our environment with safety, 善良, 和尊重. If those things are at the forefront of what we do throughout our days, everything else will fit into place.  

What are some of your favorite books, movies, or quotes that inspire you?

最喜欢的书: 给予之树A Light in the Attic 

“Why fit in when you were born to st和 out?” - Dr. 苏斯

“Today you are you, it is truer than true. There is no one alive who is youer than you!” - Dr. 苏斯

“Be yourself, everyone else is already taken!——奥斯卡·王尔德

“Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened!” - Dr. 苏斯

Do you have a favorite place on campus? What makes it your favorite?

My favorite place on campus is wherever my kids are, 当你独自一人时, I love the area outside of Elderkin 和 at the top of Childs Memorial Terrace. That was the first space I walked through in 2005 when I came to interview as an associate kindergarten teacher. I’ll never forget that feeling of walking up the walkway 和 through the joyful 和 laughing children that were outside. 

How do you recharge 和 find inspiration when you’re not in the classroom?

I love to take walks 和 let Mother Nature help me reset. I also love to be around friends 和 family. They help me recharge through conversation, thought, laughter, 和 love. 

Beyond the classroom, what are some of your interests or hobbies that you’re passionate about?

I love being near the water, especially at a beach. I also love singing 和 dancing, 和 just being around people. I’m passionate about people—connecting people, listening to 和 helping people, 和 creating memories with people. In addition to my students, my family 和 friends, old, new, 和 in between, bring the most joy.