Xuan Weng - Middle School World Languages Teacher - 十大最佳博彩网站排名 - McDonogh School-十大最佳博彩网站排名

Xuan Weng, Middle School World Languages Teacher

Photographer: Mark Daly '25


What inspired you to become a teacher?

During my high school years, I was fortunate to have an exceptional mathematics teacher who also served as my advisor. His distinctive emphasis on nurturing independence and fostering creative thinking in students was quite unusual for that time in China. Reflecting upon those years, I can confidently say that many of my classmates and I continue to benefit from his exceptional teaching and advising. His influence played a pivotal role in helping me understand the profound and enduring impact that an exceptional teacher can have on a student throughout their lifetime.

Why did you choose the subject area that you teach?

Being a native Chinese speaker and holding a Ph.D. in the field of education, it was only natural for me to choose Chinese as my primary teaching subject. 此外, my deep passion lies in sharing the richness of the Chinese language and culture with individuals from diverse backgrounds and perspectives.

What do you find most rewarding about teaching and working with students?

The most rewarding moments for me are when my students not only "learn" the material but also effectively "apply" it in real-life situations.

Are there any memorable or impactful moments in your teaching career that stand out to you?

There's a story that truly touched my heart. As my birthday falls in May, coinciding with the graduation season, the entire eighth grade Chinese class recorded a Chinese birthday song to celebrate my birthday before they graduated from Middle School in 2021. Furthermore, 去年, despite no longer being my students, they sent me a video of them singing a Chinese birthday song on my special day.

Beyond the classroom, what are some of your interests or hobbies that you’re passionate about?

Apart from my teaching job, I have a deep passion for Chinese dancing. Additionally, I take great pleasure in cooking and savoring various Chinese cuisines with my beloved family members.